MINI is the fastest car brand ever in delivering new competitions to its broad creative community. The carmaker is rolling out another contest, “Framed,” on its MINI Space platform, urging its fans to play with edges, the element that is usually considered just a background. The submissions should now put the focus not on the object in the photo, but the way it is framed within the picture.

The prime Belgium lager Stella Artois, known for its dedication to art and elegance, has revealed four beautiful musical instruments crafted using fine brand’s chalices. For the project, Stella Artois has collaborated with musical craftsman Andy Cavatorta, who has constructed the offbeat musical instruments, and indie rock band Cold War Kid that have composed a charming symphony of glass.

The Japanese apparel brand UNIQLO has teamed up with Pharrell Williams, a U.S. musical and fashion designer, to create a line of limited-edition “i am OTHER” T-shirts. The brand says that the concept for the collection is based on the celebrity’s shared philosophy of a creative way of life, based on art, music, apparel, film, TV, technology and multimedia. The collection got its name from Pharrell’s multimedia creative enterprise. 

Reebok has introduced a new brand mark, the Delta symbol, to emphasize the three key elements of a transformative athletic experience—physical, mental and social change—that happen when people go beyond the limits of physical possibilities. With the introduction of the new logo, the brand wants to focus on fitness rather than on the professional sports performance, which signals of the label’s intension to appeal to amateur athletes more.

As part of its partnership with the Tribeca Film Festival, Heineken is kicking off a new movie-centered competition calling aspiring filmmakers to go creative and suggest a plot of a super short film for a chance to see it screened at the festival. The #15secondpremiere competition is running from now on until March 7, so creatives have minimum time to submit their screenplays.

Pepsi, one of the official partners of the 86th Academy Awards, has celebrated some of the most famous quotes from legendary films in its 60-second spot that aired during the ceremony’s broadcast on ABC yesterday. The “Mini Hollywood” ad, promoting the smaller version of the soda’s can, communicates the message that even the tiniest amounts (like the smaller can or a quote) can retain the full power of the original product.