Givenchy is launching two new feminine fragrances, Eaudemoiselle de Givenchy and Dance with Givenchy in the first half of 2010. The two perfumes will fit into the style of the brand’s line and at the same time will be unique.
Author: Anna Rudenko
The famous Mozilla Firefox browser has called its 3.6 edition Namoroka after Madagascar’s Namoroka Park, a home for eight species of lemurs. Being dedicated to creating healthy ecosystem of communities that promote the ability to freely access software and creative works, Mozilla encourages its users to support Nature ecosystems and render help to its inhabitants, lemurs in particular.
PepsiCo is going more social than ever with its newly presented huge ‘Refresh Everything’ campaign. The company will provide dozens of initiative brains with financial support for implementation of the useful projects in 6 areas (health, arts and culture, charity, ecology, neighbourhood, and education). Each month the company will award up to $1.3 million for turning the ideas into reality.