Diesel wants to know if there is a lot of people in Italy who know how to be stupid and can show it. From March 09 through March 16 Diesel was collecting videos by Italian residents rendering the philosophy of the new campaign.
The entrants of the competition were to provide the video or the URL of the spot on YouTube through application on the website. The contest’s details can be found on the www.diesel.com/wearewithstupid/ website, where the entrants shared the works. Videos of 10 min length maximum could be shot using the camera, mobile phone or other means. The important thing is that the work had to represent a situation or a context to interpret the philosophy of «Be Stupid«.
The winner will be announced on March 31 in Milan, at the headquarters of the company. He or she is to be awarded with a check for € 1500.00 to spend in Diesel stores.