Bulletproof Repositions Carte Noire for the UK and European Markets

London-based Bulletproof has redesigned Kraft Foods’ Carte Noire jar range to reposition it as a more ‘accessible premium offer’, while retaining consistent brand expression on shelf.

New new packaging communicates the rich and velvety taste delivery, which is perfect for any coffee moments throughout the day.

Commenting on the project, Kellie Chapple, Client Services Director said: “Whilst Carte Noire had good awareness amongst premium coffee drinkers, there was relatively low consideration of purchase at fixture—which wasn’t helped by the brand’s very black packaging. By echoing the Carte Noire Refill’s sensuous design we’ve given the portfolio a more feminine and inclusive look and feel, whilst highlighting the product visual with golden flourishes suggests a smoother taste and reinforces the stylish and sophisticated nature of the brand. A consistent use of brand equities, clear communication hierarchy and obvious variant differentiation all help to build strong shelf presence and enable easy range navigation.”

The new jars were launched in-store nationwide in March 2012.

Photo: newly designed packs for Carte Noire in the UK and Europe