Captain Morgan Unveiled His Own Revolutionary Workout System

Have you gained some extra pounds eating during the previous weeks of the festive season? If you are not a super hero or don’t know the secrets of becoming slim even when eating chocolate cakes, you are among those who have. Each New Year’s Eve we give commitments, most of which are revolving around vital things like getting fitter and looking better. Usually, alcohol doesn’t help achieve these goals, but this time the support comes right from famous rum brand Captain Morgan.

The extravagant pirate, who has recently got a gorgeous girlfriend (so-called First Mate) and knows how important it is to have a perfect body, has developed a system that can beat yoga techniques and push other fitness programs far behind. The famous corsair stepped out of the bottle label to teach people how to shape their body by just repeating a simple exercise. The corsair invites his fans to lift legs as the hand is placed on the leap, hold it in this position for a couple of seconds and then put it down. As simple as that.

The new fitness program, which includes only one element, is based on the iconic posture of the Captain. From time to time, the brand makes it a centerpiece element of its promotions—for example, in November 2010, Captain Morgan encouraged its fans to send their photos featuring them standing in this famous position. For every picture uploaded, the brand promised to donate $1 to the First Mate Fund, whose mission is to support responsible drinking initiatives and other programs that benefit the U.S. community.