Carlsberg Launches New Draft in a Bottle Beer in Kazakhstan

Carlsberg launches new draft in a bottle beer in Kazakhstan branded by LFH Carlsberg’s Kazakhstan beer brand Derbes is launching a new variant — draft in a bottle — with graphic design by European design agency LFH. The Derbes range has now been expanded to four variants including the original Derbes Classic, Derbes Strong and Derbes Light Refreshment.

LFH was appointed in December 2009 on the strength of its previous work with the Carlsberg both in Kazakhstan and other European markets.

LFH has created a compelling design which alludes to the ‘Draft in a bottle’ innovation. Styling cues communicate the fresh taste and rich aroma whilst its position in the Derbes range is clearly identified. One of the key elements has been to associate the beer with the hospitable, open and friendly nature of Kazhak culture.