Coca-Cola in the UK will talk to Millenials with the voice of the rapper HT 

On May 1, Coca-Cola Europe released the first TV and online spot supporting the recent «One brand» communication campaign that unites all 4 Coke variants— a regular one, Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Coca-Cola Life—under one and only Coca-Cola brand.

As always, the brand focuses on its never failing ‘unique selling point’, happiness, and encourages younger Millenials to pursue their dreams and «choose happiness». A hoarse voice of the rapper HT asks «What are you waiting for»— that is the centerpiece of the new ad by Ogilvy Amsterdam. The spot will be aired in the U.K. for four weeks.

The «One brand» strategy along with the new unified packaging were announced earlier in March to take consumers away from direct associations of Coca-Cola with sugar, and switch their attention to healthier variants.

However, global consumers try to avoid artificial less-calorie sweeteners used in Diet Coke and other sodas positioned as healthier. As FT reports, even in the U.S., the world’s biggest market for soft drinks, regular Pepsi overtook Diet Coke in March. In the market of sodas in the U.S. in total, diet fizzy soft drinks such as Diet Coke or Coke Zero account for less than 2%.