Coca-Cola India announced its foray into the dairy segment with the launch of its new innovation. The nature of the latest offering, Maaza Milky Delite is a delicious blend of juicy mangoes and milk is best explained by the brand’s tagline “Sharing not possible,” in other words it has a taste so irresistible that one would not want to share it with anyone.
Maaza Milky Delite, the latest innovation by Coca-Cola India is for teenagers and young adults, will be available in a 200 ml slim tetra pack, and has been affordably priced at Rs 15. The new beverage is a delicious blend of juicy mangoes and milk developed especially by Coca-Cola India in its Research & Development Laboratory in Gurgaon.
Prior to the launch, extensive consumer research and stability tests have been specially conducted to ensure that Maaza Milky Delite matched the taste preferences of the Indian consumers. The product has been formulated in such a manner, that it is able to withstand the Indian weather conditions and has a shelf life of 4 months.
Coca-Cola India has drawn up an aggressive consumer activation campaign to market Maaza Milky Delite in the selected channels and outlets in Kolkata. The 360-degree marketing communication plan involves organizing road shows including extensive experiential sampling sessions, presence in engaging touch points, etc. Complementing the on ground initiatives, TV commercial bringing out the “Sharing not possible” proposition of Maaza Milky Delite, would be aired on all leading channels in Kolkata. The entire brand campaign has been developed and executed by Leo Burnett.