Coca-Cola Israel merged personalization with a geo-locating technology to celebrate consumers “on the go”

Coca-Cola Israel used the geo-fenced technology to celebrate consumers as they drove through with name-centric messages. As part of the “Share a Coke” global marketing initiative, the soda brand and Tel Aviv-based Gefen Team created a promotional effort called «Coca-Cola personal Road» that included personalized billboards set up along the route.

The brand invited consumers to download a special application and enter their name to unlock the fun. As part of the promotion, Coke installed special sensors along the routes with billboards, and when the sensors indicated the app, they activated a corresponding name on the digital display. As the name appeared on the screen, the user received a notification that their name is up there.

For the campaign, Coca-Cola Israel transformed the country’s main billboards into remote interactive screens. The effort, which let each consumer feel special in front of public, was a success—during the campaign, the app was downloaded 100k times and ranked No.1 in Israel’s app store.