Coca-Cola Will Provide a Global Database of Water Risk Information

The Coca-Cola сompany announced it will provide a global database of water risk information to help organizations make more informed and sustainable decisions.

Coca-Cola implements this task within the newly formed Aqueduct Alliance, which also includes General Electric, Goldman Sachs, Bloomberg and The Dow Chemical Company. The Alliance will build a global database of water risk information to help companies, governments and investors create maps. By combining advanced hydrological data with geographically specific details on social, economic and governance impacts, organizations will operate an unprecedented tool, which will result in better understanding and managing water risks. On practice it means that companies will know where it’s better to build a facility.

The Yellow River Basin in northern China is now used as a working prototype, and an interactive web platform soon will include global and basin-specific data from other areas of the world.

The World Resources Institute (WRI) announced the launch of the consortium of water experts from the private and public sectors, NGOs and academia during World Water Week in Stockholm, says the official press release.

Coca-Cola contributes water risk data that was previously proprietary. It will help analyze water stress, quality, socioeconomic factors and potential impacts from economic development, climate and population changes.

Coca-Cola has also recently participated in a research conducted by shareholder advocacy group As You Sow which assessed corporate progress on recycling in major beverage companies. The report revealed that Coca-Cola is now ‘neutral’ on a ‘voluntary’ system of deposits administered by associated industries.

In addition, the company unveiled The 2011 Coca-Cola Europe Water Footprint Sustainability Assessment, which reports on water sustainability of the company’s sugar supply chain.

The study was conducted with experts from the Technical University Vienna and the consultancy denkstatt, along with the Water Footprint Network, WWF and key beet sugar suppliers from Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, France and Great Britain.

Results claim that sugar beet crops which source 80 percent of the sugar used to produce Coca-Cola products in Europe have a relatively low water footprint as its mostly grown with little irrigation or use of fertilizers.