Dell takes selfie culture to the next level as part of the “Learning Meets Doing” campaign

Dell has released a mockumentary that describes its “recently opened” center for selfie-improvement. While many criticize the selfie phenomenon, Dell decided to seize the movement and build a whole campaign on it. The effort is rolling out on the brand’s corporate tumblr page that is full of micro content that revolves around past and present of selfies.

The centerpiece of the campaign is a 1-minute humorous video titled “Selfie” that tells more about the Center for Selfie Improvement for teens. Julia Hawkins, who is armed with Dell technology and her incredible Selfie Arm, explains how everything works there and what a person might need to become a selfie expert, not just another enthusiast. The tumlr page features lots of visual pieces that focus on positive selfie statistics, Dell’s devices that help make selfies, fun facts, and more.

The effort comes as part of the “Learning Meets Doing” campaign by Y&R and VML New York. It revolves around the notion that advanced computer technology should not be associated with scientists and tech professionals only—it can be used by many others, including younger consumers, in a fun and light-hearted way.