Diesel:U:Music Celebrates its 10th Anniversary with «Stupid for Music» Competition

Diesel, a brand of jeans clothes for youth, partnered with Uffie, an electro-pop star who fronted at this year’s celebration of the 10th anniversary of Diesel-U-Music, awards for young unsigned musicians. The event took place in Paris on October 21.

Along with Uffie, the party was marked by the performance of Gentleman Drivers and Franz Ferdinand.

Celebrating its 10 year anniversary, Diesel:U:Music has launched a social network for musicians and music fans featuring a “Stupid for Music” Cup competition as its inaugural event.

Diesel:U:Music is a unique online platform that allows musicians from all over the world to communicate with their fans, share news and new releases with the audience by connecting with Facebook, MySpace and Sonicbid profiles of the performers. In other words, bands can create a profile that acts as a hub for their fans at this musical network. More than that, they shall encourage fans to «get stupid for them» (a reference to the company’s slogan: Get stupid).

As part of its support initiative for young musical talents, Diesel will organize an exclusive Uffie’s performance in Leeds’ most popular venue, Nation of Shopkeepers, on November 18.

Diesel:U:Music 10th Anniversary — Uffie Party by FROM PARIS