Friskies Premieres Cat Diaries: The First Ever Movie Filmed by Cats

Hollywood has some new stars in town and they’re pretty cool cats—literally. On December 9 in LA, Friskies® brand cat food premiered ‘Cat Diaries: The First Ever Movie Filmed by Cats’ and gave viewers a look into their magical world. From apartments to homes, from New York to California, viewers are taken on a tour across the country to see life from a cat’s perspective.

To create the four-minute film, a handful of cats from across the country were equipped with HD video cameras around their collars to collect documentary style footage of their daily lives. The film stars a number of these celebricats including Charlene Butterbean, Fudge, Gizmo and Milo as they explore, play and enjoy life. Friskies worked with Los Angeles based director/producer Erik Denno and editor/director Jason Farrell to spotlight cats on the silver screen. Bryan Lee Brown and Paul Figueroa created the film’s original music.

«Friskies wanted to share the magical world of cats in an entirely new way. We want the whole world to see and enjoy cats’ unique personalities and perspectives,» said Daniel Henke-Cilenti, senior brand manager of Friskies. «To give cats the spotlight they deserve, we made them the stars of their own film and celebrated in true Hollywood fashion

A shorter version of the movie will be screened at select theaters from December 10-23.