Guinness 250th Anniversary Glass

Guinness, one of the most popular beer brands on the global market, kicked off the celebration of its 250th anniversary last year. To commemorate this date the brand introduced its collectible anniversary glasses.


Here is the text written on the card:


Our gift to you…
Now you’re ready for the perfect pour

This limited edition authentic Guinness 250th anniversary glass is one of our last so it’s a real collector’s item but more importantly it is the perfect partner to your can of Guinness Draught.

For the perfect pour, hold yours at a 45 degree angle and slowly fill, emptying your can in one smooth movement. Relax while the swirling surge of colour slowly calms, until that creamy head settles to a crisp white on black. Savour the moment, then enjoy.


And the text on the glass:

1759 Arthur Guinness signs a 9,000 year lease on the now famous St. James’s Gate Brewery in Dublin.
1799 Arthur makes the decision to brew only black beer.
1862 The first trade-mark label for Guinness is introduced.
1880s The St. James’s Gate Brewery grows to become the largest brewery in the world.
1929 The first official advertisement for Guinness stout is launched.
1935 The Toucan and John Gilroy’s other characters are introduced into Guinness advertising.
1959 We mark our 200th anniversary by dropping 150,000 commemorative bottles into the Atlantic.
1988 The widget is invented for Draught cans so the perfect Guinness can be enjoyed at home.
2009 We celebrate 250 remarkable years…