Ikea Began to Sell Second-Hand Furniture

Recycling, using ecological materials and sustainable technologies is not the only elements of IKEA’s green commitment. On August 28, the global retailer started selling second-hand furniture online, enabling fans of ‘modern vintage’ furniture or just very low prices equip their houses with extremely affordable pieces.

The new section was opened on the basis of IKEA’s Liva Hemma (Life at home) community in cooperation with the Blocket online hub, which also offers used things. The launch coincided with opening of a giant flea market, which was arranged at IKEA’s store parking lots on the same day. To date, the project is being developed only on the Swedish market, but the company is also planning to bring it to other countries over some time. «Time will tell,» said Peter Agnefäll, CEO of IKEA Sverige. «We have to start somewhere. We in Sweden are first and it is unbelievably fun

IKEA is not going to make money on advertising within the new online hub. The ads there are posted by members of customer loyalty program, IKEA Family, who are publishing their offers for free. «We have in Sweden 2.3 million Family members, so I think that an overwhelming majority will advertise for free. Besides, one who is not a member can become one for free. We will not earn much money from this,» commented Agnefäll.

This second-hand furniture website focused on selling IKEA’s furniture is not the first one of the kind. Last year, the giant retailer had a conflict with the Iloveikea.se online community, created to help buy and sell used IKEA furniture in three countries. The website, which has no business relationship with the IKEA company, had to change its name to www.Billyandfriends.se to avoid consumers’ confusion.