Illy Introduces Y1 — One-touch Technology in Coffee Making

Illy, Italian-based company specializing in producing high-quality coffee and coffee making machines, known for its commitment to quality and unparalleled innovative approach to marketing of the products, revealed Y1 — the Iperespresso coffee machine for the new generation.

The exterior looks and technology behind that model makes it a stand-out among the products of the same line. Let’s face it: at a first glance, Y1 looks nothing like a coffee machine. All of its functional components are hidden inside the base. So, what you see is a solid body made of ‘noble’ materials such as glass, aluminum, and stainless steel.

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Aside from the innovative design, Y1 features a new patented technology of coffee brewing — Metodo Espresso that at pump pressure of 19 bars delivers the strongest coffee flavour possible.

«We had in mind the new generation of gourmands, accustomed every day to getting in touch with the new world, made of speed and high tech innovation; the public we are constantly in contact with through the social networks of our platformsAndrea Illy, president and CEO of illycaffè, said. “We wanted to offer this generation something really innovative. Keeping this in mind, we have designed Y1 with its revolutionary line and features that guarantee the perfect espresso, something to enjoy with all the senses: sight, touch, and, of course, taste, thanks to our Iperespresso patented capsule system.”

Y1 addresses the new generation, which Francesco Morace, head of the Institute of Strategic Research and Consulting, Future Concept Lab, called Generation Y. According to his study, people who are now in their twenties/thirties represent the new generation since they were born and raised during the shift of social media and represent people used to high-speed communication, sharing their ideas and expressive experimentation.

The analysis of Generation Y has helped to explain the consumer dynamics of Italian families, as it consists of young adults who live with their families of origin till they are 32 years old, and therefore have a strong influence over their parents, younger and elder siblings and even their grandparents. Generation Y manages to bring together taste and technology, and throws an innovative bridge between life in and outside the home as well as between design and diet” Morace said.

Y1 appeals to that specific type of audience. Following the release of the model, an impressive online campaign was launched on the online social networks. Now, Francis Y1 is available at just $125 for a limited time in Illy e-shop as well as in a number of specialized design stores and bars.