Malibu by U: White Bottles for Creative Consumers

Malibu is well-known for its collaborations with artists, and this time the alcohol brand invites every consumer to reveal his or her creative skills and draw a design of their own. The rum brand launched a white bottle Malibu U with four markers in the bright colours of the Caribbean to give rum-lovers a chance to customize the snow-white bottle.

Vodka & Co reports that the brand commissioned local artists, David Glantz, Nick Fox and Damzels to give an inspiring example to those who are still hesitating. If you don’t want to spoil the bottle, make a draft at with all the effects and colours you would like to use for an actual bottle. The brand also worked with a team of talented artists, journalists, and musicians like skateboarder/illustrator Dan Zvereff, Erika Spring of Au Revior Simone, animator Julia Pott, illustrator Bob London, and journalist Kelsey Keith who writes for Falvorwire online. All of these awesome people have contributed their own ‘Malibu by U’ bottles to the project.

One entrant with the best design created online will be awarded a stay for four people in Barbados.