McDonald’s to Initiate A Scavenger Hunt for its Latest Drink—Caramel Mocha

McDonald’s Corp. is presenting its latest McCafe drink — Caramel Mocha — «a rich, sweet, creamy indulgence to help take the chill off winter», according to official McDonald’s website. Caramel Mocha is made of espresso, steamed milk, chocolate and caramel syrups, and is topped with whipped cream as well as a bit of caramel syrup.

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To add even more intrigue to the launch of this mouth-watering beverage, McDonald’s announced a scavenger hunt for the drink in 9 US cities: Atlanta, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas, Los Angeles, New Haven, Conn., Salt Lake City, Tampa Bay, Fla., and Washington. The event is scheduled to start on November 16 and last for a week.

Event organizers are said to hide three giant McCafe coffee cups throughout each city and will use social-media— like special Facebook fan pages and channels @McDonalds and @McCafeyourday on Twitter — to provide clues on the location of the cups.

The winner of the hunt, i.e., the person, who finds a cup first in each city will receive a year’s worth of free McCafe beverages. The next 100 people to find a cup will be awarded with a card for a free mini-size McCafe beverage.