Panasonic continues to be a company that spawns innovation promoting environmentally positive activities and the launch of Eco Ideas is no exception. The interactive website strives to gather and unite people behind sharing thoughts and creating action striving to make Earth a better place to live.
As a viewer moves through the site, it is quite apparent that this company takes their ecological social responsibility quite serious with promoting activities for individuals and businesses alike. Panasonic announced ‘eco ideas’ Strategy back in 2007 and have since led the way in these endeavors, including reduction of CO2 emissions from their own production lines.
The internet location is not only educating and motivating but is also interactive and entertaining. As users survey the site they will be able to move around and stumble onto suggested projects such as planting trees around the world, shifting the transportation paradigm away from traditional trucking into railways and hybrid trucks, and the recycling of electronic products waste.
The internet surfers are also invited to EcoIdeasNet, the hub featuring a plethora of «environment-friendly activities tailored to your personal interests.» The online destination is linked with the main website and provides us with latest stories on the ‘green’ theme.
As Panasonic approaches their 100th anniversary in 2018, they aim to be leader in environmental innovation in their industry.
This March, to raise the awareness of the climate change issue, Panasonic arranged a nice event with foam bears dissolving in the sky. The idea was to demonstrate how easily the endangered species can disappear if we don’t take urgent steps to prevent the extinction.