Pantene calls women to be “sorry for not sorry”

Pantene is rolling out an inspirational and motivational campaign, calling women to stop apologizing all the time. To promote the message, the hair care brand has released a film, “Sorry Not Sorry,” that features several women who are saying “sorry” all the time to their partners and people around.

The film, created by the Grey agency, has two parts—in the first women are apologizing all the time, nearly every minute of the day, even when they don’t cause inconvenience in any way. The situations in which they say “I’m sorry” range from entering a room at work, removing their arm from the arm rest in a waiting room, pulling a blanket in bed, asking their partners to hold the baby in the kitchen and more. Still, it’s not a normal situation.

Sure, it’s polite to say ‘sorry’ sometimes. But for everything? No way. As women, we weaken our own strength (in ways men never do),” says the description to the video. The brand is encouraging women to be strong and shine, being more confident and be sure they shouldn’t be sorry for having what they want.

This film comes as a follow-up of another motivational Pantene’s film, Labels Against Women, launched in late 2013.