P&G Has Launched the Thank You Mom Web-Site

The Procter & Gamble company is launching a big online-platform to say “thank you” to moms. Following the release of a commercial dedicated to mothers of Olympic athletes, the global producer developed a web-site www.thankyoumom.com and produced a new spot.


Being one of the official sponsors of the American team at Olympics, P&G first made a nod to parents of sportsmen by offering them a free trip to Vancouver so that they could support their competing children. At the new website visitors can find posts from Team USA mom blogs, tweets, news, photos and videos from the event.

The visitors also can thank their mothers by sending them a personalized message through the site — first you fill in the form, then it appears on the website and the link to it can be sent to the mom.

The video “Never Walk Alone” is developed by Wieden + Kennedy from Portland, the MJZ production company and directed by Dante Ariola.
