Red Bull Art of Can Miami Unveils Exhibit on South Beach

The Red Bull Art of Can exhibit debuted in Miami last night with a private gala that captured the energy of South Beach. The gala marked the opening of the event which is now open to the public on South Beach through March 14th.

The collection is filled with striking pieces including a Hermes foot, a vibrant toucan spreading its wings and a captivating Medusa head. During the gala, the distinguished panel of judges awarded special honors to the top three artists and their original works of art. The grand prize, an all expenses paid trip to Art Basel, the world’s leading modern art exhibit in Switzerland, went to Noah Deledda from Tampa, FL for his «One Can Wonder.» Noah used his «crushing» technique to create distinctive impressions and texture in a single can.


Thane Tennison earned second place, tickets for Art Basel in Miami, for his armadillo titled «Red Bull on a Road Trip – Miami or Bust.» Third prize was awarded to Vanessa Indriago for her delicately crafted «Little Monkey in a Red Bull Garden.» Throughout the exhibit, gallery visitors also have the opportunity to speak their mind and designate a «People’s Choice Award» by casting votes.

The nationwide search for creativity continues to invite innovative artists, both professional and amateur, to submit their designs for consideration for the next exhibition which will kick off on July 30th in Dallas. The registration deadline for applicants for Red Bull Art of Can taking place in the great state of Texas is May 10th.