Red Bull Flugtag Comes From Singapore to Miami This Saturday

Following a record-breaking space jump earlier this month, Red Bull is getting ready for another high-flying extreme sports event — the weirdest-ever airshow Red Bull Flugtag, which the brand has been holding since 1992. For the third year in a row, the event is to take place in Miami, USA, this Saturday, November 3, 2012. 

Visitors to the Bayfront Park will see a spectacular fun event showcasing 30 amateur teams who will drive their homemade flying machines right into the ocean. As usual, some of contestants won’t be able to fly at all.

Teams that enter the Flugtag competition are judged in three categories; distance, creativity, and showmanship. The event is free and open to the public, so save the date, unless the weather changes.

Meanwhile, here are some photos from the latest Red Bull Flugtag from Singapore, which took place yesterday.

Photo: photos from the Red Bull Flugtag event in Singapore, October 28