Starbucks Encourages Canadians to «Pledge to Do Some Green»

Starbucks Canada is asking Canadians to join them to «Pledge to do some Green» this summer as part of the company’s support for Evergreen’s stewardship and restoration program, which brings people together with nature to restore, protect and steward public green spaces across the country.

Consumers who make a formal pledge at to devote time to green their local community and inspire others to do the same will receive a free tall cup of Pike Place Roast at participating Starbucks locations across Canada.

The Pledge to do some Green initiative is part of a new level of partnership between Starbucks and Evergreen that builds on a seven year relationship that has included Starbucks support for Evergreen’s Vancouver Earth Day event. Starbucks has also directly supported many of Evergreen’s stewardship and restoration projects and also provided them with a Youth Action Grant to assist in helping young people from low income groups in Toronto and Vancouver to develop green-related training and employment skills.

This year’s partnership also includes a commitment by 600 Starbucks partners (employees) to contribute at least 2000 hours at six launch events across the country to get their hands dirty and assist Evergreen in a variety of stewardship and restoration activities across the country, including planting and grounds maintenance. Consumers are also encouraged to visit for helpful tips and ideas on the different ways people can do their part to make their local community a greener place.