Stella Artois: Painting on the Walls

The Stella Artois beer brand is well-known for its loving creativeness and it is always ready to become an inspiration for new warks of art. For 3 weeks a group of New York painters have been creating a huge billboard featuring the ritual of pouring beer on one of the city’s brick walls. The giant hand-painted advertising poster was changing day after day showing the step-by-step process of filling the beer glass.



Implementation of the magnificent project was documented and as a result we now can see the magic of its unfolding. The hand-painted poster was made by Sky High Murals, a creative group of craftsmen dedicated to their trade, who have various professional backgrounds (from graffiti to illustration to fine arts) and different views. Still, the result of their combined work is stunning.



The project was called ritual because it shows the whole process of filling the glass with beer — from washing it to beheading, slicing off the excess head flowing over the top of with a knife, leaving a tight layer of foam with the Stella Artois below it.