Shoppers want more technology in stores Consumers have high expectations for tech-enabled retail, something many retailers are lacking. Retail chains are not keeping up […]
«Virtual» health or What kind of experience do patients need? 2023 EY’s Global Consumer Health Survey across six countries found what consumers value most about healthcare. In the […]
Sleep better and stay smarter with these ingredients There is a real boom in the segment of herbs-adaptagens and other herbal ingredients that provide certain physiological […]
POPSOP’s Choice: The Best Collagen Supplements of 2023 Collagen supplements have become popular for skin health, and there is a reason for it. Studies show that […]
AI innovation in food and beverage production We are seeing a real take-off of machine learning platforms. chatGPT and Midjourney predict a cloudless future in […]
The market for functional hangover drinks. Part II Functional hangover drinks have been on the market for almost a quarter of a century. In the first […]
Caffeinated Sweets or Energizing Confectionery Trends If classic sweets (in the usual sense) are traditional sweets for children, then caffeinated confectionery sweets are a […]
The market for functional hangover drinks. Part I It has long been known that the best way to prevent a hangover is to drink alcohol in […]
Sweet versus salty. What snacks are preferred by different generations Consumers choose snacks based on just four characteristics: taste, ingredients, packaging, and price. But the preferences of representatives […]
Why Gen Z matters as consumers When creating new food and beverage products, it is important for manufacturers to look to the future, and […]