Heineken is enticing its consumers into an adventurous project of city exploration. The beer brand wants to turn sofa-sitters into globe-trotters as part of its latest effort, “Cities of the World,” encouraging its fans to start discovering the beauty of the world and unlocking the secrets of their own cities. The new effort that rolls out in 100+ countries syncs with the ongoing “Man of the World” campaign, which is all about celebrating offbeat energy in exploring the would around.
To drive its philanthropic campaign “Chime for Change” to the new heights, Gucci is rolling out a new fragrance-centric effort that aims to attract new donations. Part of proceeds from selling five designated iconic Gucci fragrances will be used to fund the program set to improve social lives, careers and health of women and girls in deprived regions across the world.
BBDO and Proximity Singapore has launched a shocking digital campaign “World Under Water” that raises awareness of global warming by showing major cities of the world under water. The effort was launched together with CarbonStory, a crowd-funding site for climate change projects, ahead of World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5.
Heineken has unveiled the film based on the super short plot by the winner of the #15SecondPremiere contest, Dennis Lazar (aka @awsommovieideas). The competition, launched in March as part of the brand’s sponsorship program at Tribeca Film Festival, encouraged creatives to submit tweets with brief stories—the best of them was to be produced and directed by a Hollywood film crew.
Vans is set to teach its fans about all kinds of things with its new original series of bit-size tutorials titled “How to Do Everything in the World.” The series focuses on “the unique aspects of Vans’ brand of youth culture,” captured and illustrated by the protagonist, a quite aggressive middle-aged man, Gavin McInnes.