Tesco and Enotria help South African winegrowers build sustainable future with the first crowdsourced wine brand

The UK’s largest supermarket chain Tesco together with the biggest national wine importing company Enotria have initiated a partner, socially responsible project that aims to launch the production of the so-called social wine which flavor, brand name and label design are selected by the U.K. public. The project’s ultimate goal is to help the Enaleni Community of grape growers from South Africa to organize the production of their own wine brand instead of just selling grape harvest to other wine producers for cheap. Marketing and sales of this wine in the U.K. through the Tesco stores is supposed to generate revenue that will be partly invested back into the community infrastructure.

Besides its socially conscious nature, the wine brand will be all-crowdsourced: from the grape variety and taste to its naming and bottle/label design. The ‘social wine campaign,’ backed by the social media agency We Are Social and PR agency Green Row, started on Wednesday, June 26th with a tasting event, where 10 selected attendees (U.K. residents of at least 18 years old) had selected the grape for this wine. On July 1st, the campaign to select the name and design for the brand will be continued on Facebook. The author of the best suggestion will win a trip to South Africa, sponsored by Enotria.

James Griswood, product development manager from Tesco commented on the brand’s prospectives: «I can’t wait to see what the social media communities suggest and select—I’m sure this wine will be a best seller by the end of the year!”

Thumbnail image courtesy: TIMES Live