Transport for London’s latest effort is focused on our positive and negative attitudes on the road

M&C Saatchi has developed an emotional campaign for Transport for London, designed to make people be more tolerant and not let their emotions out on the road. The “Share the Road” effort features a film as well as a dedicated page that explain why we should be more considerate on the roads to have safe journeys.

The 1-minute black and white film, directed by Yann Demange, is the centerpiece of the campaign. It highlights negative “road rage” experience we have every day. The narrator encourages the audience to “let it go” and “leave it behind,” even when you’re extremely irritated by some driver or a cyclist that gets on your nerves on the one-way street. “Breathe In, Breathe Out,” says the narrator.

“We all compete for space on London’s roads and as our population grows, the roads get busier and there’s less space to be had. All road users—motorists, cyclists, pedestrians and motorcyclists — are affected by the issues we face today: over-crowding, the pace of traffic and the pace of life. Share the Road is the name of our campaign asking all road users to think about their attitudes on the road,” says the description to the video.

The dedicated page also highlights our road responsibilities, explains how to be the voice of reason and leave the negative emotions behind.