Wrigley’s Juicy Fruit Makes Your Talk ‘Sweet’

Wrigley‘s Juicy Fruit is continuing to deliver sweet things to brighten up our day. Having provided its fans with an opportunity to listen to a cute serenading unicorn (quite a unique thing, actually), now the brand has released another entertaining feature, a mobile phone app “Sweet Talk,” designed to bring joy though simple humorous phrases.

The app has 5 charismatic characters ‘inside,’ DJ Spraytan, Melrose, Double XL, Ms. Fresh and Mrs. Nextdoor, who are saying funny things like “You’re so sweet, I wanna take you on the tilt-a-whirl. You gonna keep the cookies in the jar, or what?» or “You’re so sweet, I’m gonna take you out for an ice cream sundae. You da toppin’s!”, when the iPhone is under your nose. The image on the iPhone screen literally merges with a face and it seems that it’s user who is talking, not the person in the app. Here’s a video to prove it:

There are 25 messages (five for each of the characters), which are revolving around 5 themes (“Cheesecake,” “Don’t be scared,” “Toothache,” “Bubble wrap you,” and “Pay your bills”) to to be used in almost any situation for ‘clearing the air’. “Sweet Talk,” developed the Evolution Bureau advertising agency, is now holding the 5-th position on the list of the most popular free-of-charge apps on iTunes.