Apple To Change the Ad Message from «Get a Mac» to «Why you’ll love a Mac»

Justin Long’s suspicions are correct and the “Get a Mac” ad campaign seemingly has come to an end.  Long, who portrays the “Mac” character in the popular long-running campaign last month suggested that all had come to an end as the last “Get a Mac” commercials were released in October 2009.

Apple is re-directing visitors to their site searching for the “Get a Mac” campaign to an expanded page “Why You’ll Love a Mac”.  This new page highlights key points pitting a Mac computer against a PC.  They cite Better Hardware, Better Software, Better OS, Better Support and It’s Compatible.

Also gone from Apple’s website is an extensive gallery of “Get a Mac” ads for viewing.  The viewers are also re-directed to the “Why You’ll Love a Mac” page also.

At this time plans are unknown for upcoming advertisements or campaigns that Apple may have in store for Mac though the incredible popularity of the “Get a Mac” campaign points to future commercials.  Apple continues to release iPhone commercials and campaigns for the iPad are also underway.

Enjoy the «last minutes» of “Get a Mac” 15 ads in 1 pack on Youtube: