London-based designer Moritz Waldemeyer has collaborated with Bombay Sapphire to create a stunning and highly imaginative visualisation of the special distillation process used in the production of the premium gin in the iconic blue bottle. The Bombay Sapphire Vapour Infusion Piece combines the most advanced lighting technology with hand-crafted skills, juxtaposing the contemporary and traditional attributes of Bombay Sapphire in an intriguing and beautiful way.In this project, Moritz has experimented and pushed the boundaries of LED lighting technology to the absolute limit to create a first-of-its-kind interactive sculpture, The Vapour Infusion Piece is a 2.4m high sculpture with a footprint that mimics the Bombay Sapphire bottle. The sculpture incorporates a unique, curved centre screen that features more than 2,000 LED lights and is only a mere 10mm thick. Each light has been hand applied and wired one by one to the screen to create a highly contemporary visual and artistic display.
The lighting technology demonstrates in an avant-garde and visually stunning way, the special distillation method used to create the tantalising, smooth and complex taste of Bombay Sapphire.
By programming each individual light with its own lighting system and then combining with the other lights through an intricate and technical communication program, Moritz has simulated rising vapour with a beautiful display of different shades of blue flowing across the screen. The rising vapour moves up through a perforated copper ring containing the ten botanical ingredients as it does during the unique distillation process, called Vapour Infusion.
Each of the 10 botanicals, such as juniper berries from Tuscany, cubeb berries from Java and Grains of Paradise from West Africa, are housed in the ring in separate compartments allowing to touch and smell each ingredient used in the creation of Bombay Sapphire. To heighten the sensory experience of the Vapour Infusion Piece, Moritz has created 10 hand-sized compartments in a copper ring to house each of the botanicals. When the botanicals are interacted with, their aroma is released from the top of the sculpture in a light mist.