Coke helps install a rain water-purifying plant in Colombia

Coca-Cola launched an awesome project, Rain for Sell, to help the rainiest town in the world, Lloró, tackle the problem of drinkable water scarcity. The Coca-Cola Company and Ogilvy Colombia have approached Lloró residents with a smart idea that got locals collecting the rainwater for sale.

Despite the fact that Lloró is the “wettest” place in the world with annual precipitation of 12,717 mm, people there don’t have access to clean and safe water. Coke suggested a creative solution for this problem. People in the town were asked to put as many empty bottles out under the rain as they can, to collect the water from the skies. The bottles with the rainwater were then painted creatively and sold at an event for top executives and celebrities and online, at the Fundación Natura Colombia site that also accepted donations.

The raised money was used to build a water treatment plant. Thanks to the new facility, since the day of its launch 10,000+ people could have safe drinking water for the first time in their lives, which helped to reduce the spread amebiasis and parasitism dramatically.