Dannon Dan-o-nino: Protein and Calcium Punch in a Small Package

Moms who are searching for a nutritious and wholesome snack can now add Dan-o-nino to their shopping lists. The Dannon Company, Inc. announced that Dan-o-nino, which previously had been successfully sold only in select test markets, will be available in food stores nationwide in the US beginning in January.

Recommended for children ages 2 to 4, this creamy and smooth dairy snack comes in a 1.76 oz serving and delivers ounce per ounce two times the amount of calcium of milk and contains three grams of protein – 19% of the recommended daily value.


Since 90% of bone strength is developed during childhood and adolescence(1), it is essential to provide young children with a source of calcium during the developmental years. Dan-o-nino supplies a significant amount of calcium and it contains Vitamin D(2) to aid calcium absorption– with a taste kids love.

Dan-o-nino’s creamy taste and rich texture is a suitable choice for children ages 2 to 4 as they learn to feed themselves and develop motor skills. Plus, parents can feel good choosing Dan-o-nino because it contains no high-fructose corn syrup or artificial colors or flavors.

Dan-o-nino is available in three different types of six-packs with six delicious flavor varieties: strawberry, banana, raspberry, strawberry banana, peach and vanilla. Dan-o-nino is available in packs of six for a suggested retail price of $2.29 in the dairy and yogurt section of food retailers.
