Fanta Promotes a New Taste with an Edible Print Ad in the Middle East

Fanta is making the most of its advertising. Coca-Cola’s orange soda brand has released an edible print in a range of the Middle East lifestyle publications to promote the new improved taste of Fanta. Consumers don’t have to buy the drink to try the new “deliberately orange” flavor—they can simply eat the promotional page, as it is printed on a rice orange-color edible paper. In this traditional playful manner, Fanta encouraged fans to share the tasteful ad with others.

The prints can be found inserted in the local publications. It debuted in a Dubai-based lifestyle magazine earlier this year, and the brand promises to feature it in other publications across the Middle East in the coming weeks. Of course, the copies of the ad are delivered in a protective sleeve. Fanta claims that by eating an ad one can try the new real taste, no additional technical hints.

Photo: Fanta’s edible ad, (click to enlarge)

This creative idea is somewhat similar to the one behind Wrigley’s past promotional initiative, Mint Parking Ticket. Still, the chewing gum brand didn’t ask to eat the paper—people just hold the minty tickets in the mouth while looking for parking lots.

The new unconventional print is just a part of the broader campaign, designed to help Fanta play with all the five senses of its consumers using an orangey twist. The brand also installed special motion sensor-enabled retail displays that dispense an orange aroma and play audio messages when people approach them. Moreover, the brand has created an app on the Fanta Middle East Facebook page that invites “consumers record a ‘slurping’ sound to virtually drink the luscious orange liquid as it fills their computer screens and compete with friends online.”

Fanta is all about bringing back play to seemingly boring situations where it has evaporated. With the launch of our new orangey taste, we wanted to create a multisensory experience people would remember and want to share with their friends,” commented Tarun Sabhlok, group brand manager, flavors, Coca-Cola Middle East.

Coca-Cola Great Britain has also introduced some changes to its other product, Sprite. The company has recently announced that it is reducing the sugar and calorie content in Sprite by 30%. The drink with the improved formula is arriving to the stores in the U.K. in March. Sprite is the second drink following Glaceau VitaminWater that has been re-formulated by including stevia into the recipe.