Levi’s has launched a new digital campaign specifically targeting Chinese market and dedicated to its ‘After Dark’ collection well-suited for night out/party occasions. ‘We Rule the Night‘ is the title of the campaign developed by Hong Kong-based TBWA and its Tequila division, which is Levi’s agency-of-record in Hong Kong for the Chinese and Hong Kong markets. By launching it, the jeans retailer targets youth aged 18-24.
The campaign introduces a series of interactive video experiences that allows the viewer to create their own stories by choosing their version of the plot. The videos use real characters (two young people, wild night creatures who rule the night) and offer a number of storylines to choose from. In other words, not only the viewer sees the story, they actually determine its plot and the outcome (such as what happens when the title characters go to the beach, or choose to visit a nightclub, or stay home.) Each option chosen by the user leads them further into the story, creating a customizable interactive video experience. Overall, in course of the story, the viewer may take their characters to 5 destinations with each of them offering 5 versions of the narrative. So, the viewer may create and experience 25 versions of the story.
The videos in Cantonese and Mandarin will be launched on two different digital platforms. The Cantonese version will be presented on YouTube in Hong Kong and the Mandarin one will be published on the online-video site Tudou.com in China.
«The aim is to be consumer’s top of mind when choosing party wear for the festive season. Using the after dark concept, it serves to reinforce the brand character of sexy, confident & free thinking. Sleep all day, party all night. This campaign features youth that live like creatures of the night and being wild is in their blood. They don’t just enjoy the night, they rule it!»—says official description of the campaign at www.bestadsontv.com.