Nestlé Pure Life Calls Americans to Join Hydration Movement

Given the fact an average American consumes 400 calories a day from sugared beverages, this category of drinks is putting the whole nation under threat of obesity. In realization of this danger, US Department of Agriculture (USDA) published Dietary Guidelines in 2011. One of the main points of the document is that the authority tries to persuade Americans think carefully of what they drink and replace sugared beverages with water in their daily menu.


To demonstrate its support of the country’s movement towards healthier lifestyle, Nestlé Waters North America has organized its own Hydration movement, under which it calls the U.S. citizens to replace sugared beverages with  Nestlé Pure Life bottled water. This initiative continues last-year Pledge program launched by the brand, that has persuaded 50,000 families to drink water in place of sugared beverages.

However, this year’s initiative seems to be more tolerant towards the fans of sugared lifestyle as the brand is going to get customers sacrifice only one daily portion of the sugared drink and replace it with Nestle Pure Life water, which could reduce a personal annual calorie consumption by 50,000 calories.

Victoria Shanta Retelny, RD and nutrition expert, said, «The impact of parents and children getting fewer calories from beverages will significantly benefit the health of families nationwide. Keeping well hydrated throughout the day with beverages such as Nestlé Pure Life water, that don’t pour on the calories, is critical to staying healthy and fit.”