The P&G’s brand Old Spice has launched a hilarious campaign, promoting its new deodorants body wash for men. Surprisingly enough, it is targeting women rather than male consumers. The half-naked muscular guy in the spots is saying that if a man is using Old Spice he can do whatever their ladies want. Isn’t it the strongest reason to buy the perfumes set for your boyfriend?
The brand tells women how their husbands and boyfriend should smell. Woman cleansers so not provide much for male image, so it’s high time to switch to something else. Something from the Old Spice Range. The guy in the “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign can turn pearl shells into ticket’s to the ladies’ favorite performances and then magically transform them into diamonds. And the most convincing thing is that the main character is on a white horse!
The campaign was developed by the Wieden + Kennedy agency from Portland, with the two ironic spots coming from the MJZ Production Company and director Tom Kuntz.