As we all remember, Pepsi Throwback made of real sugar hit the shelves of American grocery stores in April 2009 and was said to stay there for 8 weeks only as a limited time offer. So, now Pepsi is extending what was said to be its limited time offer for an unlimited time.
Pepsi Throwback Iconic Packaging
Pepsi Throwback featuring nostalgic 70s and 80s packaging and recipe (since it contains real sugar) is back due to overwhelming consumer demand. Now everybody may see and taste real sugar Cola. It looks and tastes just the way it did 30 years ago!
The drink will be available across the United States in retail stores starting from March 2011 in 12 oz cans and 20 oz bottles. The title has already proved to be a huge success with young consumers. 50% of sales performed account for the consumers that represent Generation X and Y.
The brand is currently running an online contest entitled ‘Random Acts of Throwback’ on the Facebook page of the product. All those who solve the puzzle and answer the question correctly will be awarded with memorabilia from the past.
PepsiCo CFO commented on the company plans pertaining to the product, «We’ve put it back in the market and we’ll see where it goes».
As we reported previously, along with Pepsi Throwback, Pepsi has re-introduced Mountain Dew Throwback featuring the nostalgic recipe and packaging.