PepsiCo Invites Facebook Fans to Pledge to Recycle

PepsiCo is reaching eco-friendly consumers through Facebook with its new recycling-oriented application on the PepsiCo’s Dream Machine page. The company invites people from all around the world to sign up and choose virtual bottle or can to share it with people from their friend-list and raise awareness of the problem.

In the bottom of the page with the virtual containers it’s noted that “By accepting this Bottle Promise, you have made a commitment to recycle in a Dream Machine and everywhere else you can!” PepsiCo also wants to prove that being green-mined brings profit. By promoting the idea of recycling with the help of this app, Facebookers can do good to nature and also win some nice stuff at the same time—100 top participants who manage to enlist the most people will be given 1,000 rewards points to ‘buy’ goods on Users also can customize their virtual soda bottle or can by choosing one of the images and writing a personal message. As for now, there are already nearly 450 promises made to the virtual Dream Machine.

The application is created in the form of a Dream Machine kiosk, which looks like a regular soft-drink dispenser but serves as a collector for used soda packaging. It first appeared in the U.S. this summer as part of the company’s commitments to contribute locally to the global recycling initiatives. With the Dream Machine project, which was developed in collaboration with Waste Management, as well as a number of other related projects PepsiCo is going to raise the U.S. beverage container recycling rate from 34% to 50% by 2018.