«Sex and the City 2» Has Debuted Mercedes-Benz and Maybach Advertising Campaigns

Carrie and her three urban icon friends are back and as stylish as ever in the highly anticipated release of Sex and the City 2. The New Line Cinema movie distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures is due to be released on May 27th with the same style and luxury expected of the quartet and their friends.

The four friends will be off on adventures again in Sex and the City 2 and this time will be driving the ultra-luxurious Maybach and the G-Class SUV from Mercedes-Benz. Mr. Big will once again drive through New York City in his S-Class though he opts also for the S400 Hybrid probably for its eco-friendly features mixed with the luxury he expects. The new 2011 E-Class Cabriolet will make an appearance on the big screen as Carrie and Mr. Big head off to Connecticut behind the wheel of one. This Cabriolet will also make a debut as it is available to consumers in June 2010 this summer.

In conjunction of the release of Sex and the City 2, Mercedes-Benz will debut an advertising campaign based on the popular personalities of the four friends. The print ad for the E-Class Cabriolet will feature the same Quartz Blue E-Series Cabriolet that is used in the movie by Mr. Big and Carrie. Also will be included is the Sex and the City 2 logo and the tag line “The stunning. The talented. The New Mercedes-Benz E-Class Cabriolet.”

Mercedes-Benz will support the print ad with spots on TV. The commercials will run in 17 of the top Mercedes-Benz markets on top channels including Bravo, E! Entertainment TV, USA, TNT and HGTV, and the top entertainment shows are ET, Extra, The Insider and Access Hollywood.

There will also be a presence on Facebook sponsored by Mercedes-Benz the interactive site features a Mercedes-Benz E-Class Cabriolet filled with 27 gift boxes. Each box is a unique surprise for the visitor ranging from an HP Entertainment Notebook to a Swarovski wrist watch to the sunglasses Carrie is wearing in Sex and the City 2.

Only one gift box can be opened each day and a clue will help lead participants to the correct box. Visitors that select the correct box will be entered into a daily prize give-away. All entries will be entered into a grand prize drawing. The last gift box will be opened on May 27th to coincide with the opening of the movie with the grand prize award being the winner and three friends will be lown to New York City in September as VIP’s, in the style that Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda are accustomed to, to attend Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week. All the winners are chosen randomly and notified via email.