Cone Communications, a U.S.-based PR and communications firm, together with Ebiquity, a global marketing analytics specialist, have recently conducted a survey among 9,709 consumers from nine biggest world’s countries by GDP on how they perceive sustainability, learn information about companies’ CSR activities, and make respective purchasing and other important decisions.
consumer insight
The global research and analytics firm Gallup has polled nearly 18 million customers around the world to learn whether they feel that brands they use deliver on their promises. By the «promise of the brand» the research team means a unique statement that a company offers, and it depends on the employees’ ability to act on these offers.
If in 2013 global consumers didn’t mind that 76% of commercial brands had disappeared, in 2015, this figure slightly decreases to 74%. Overall, the Havas Meaningful Brands study 2015 has proved the trend: most brands across the world lose ability to be perceived as useful or meaningful and to effect people’s lives.
The ‘mobile-first’ U.S. research agency MobileIron has surveyed 3,500 full- and part-time professionals to reveal a new hyper-connected demographic group: the so-called Generation Mobile or simply Gen M. These are either male office workers of 18-34 or older people with children under 18 year old at home, who constantly mix their work and personal communications on smartphone or tablet devices.
The global IT corporation Microsoft has conducted a new survey of 13,200 users aged 16-64 years old from 13 countries —Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Sweden, the UAE, the UK and the US—to find out to what extent digital technology changes their life. The findings from the study «Digital Trends 2015» has been grouped into three categories, as follows: trends, the «Performers,» and the «Explorers.»