LAUNCH, the coalition of technology supporters that includes such organizations as NIKE Inc., NASA, the U.S. Agency for International Development and the U.S. Department of State, is adding some Nordic-based new members such as IKEA, Novozymes, Kvadrat, Arla and a number of government institutions, to form LAUNCH Nordic. Since 2010, the coalition has spotted and supported “visionaries whose ideas, technologies or programs have the potential to create a better world.”

A man and a woman, conception of a fetus, nine months of pregnancy, a newborn. This is a standard scheme of how human babies have been coming into this life for ages. Now, when technologies are constantly reformulating our everyday lives, are they also reaching out into the basics of our existence, the way we develop from the very first day after the fusion of gametes? How can women make the most from their pregnancy and make it a yet more remarkable experience? How is the baby’s life in the very first days getting enhanced by science and gadgets? The next generation will be not just influenced by tech, it is already born with tech as part of its DNA.

Skype has set up partnership with Victoria Beckham as its new brand ambassador, tapped to “inspire and empower” users in exploring the service’s broad possibilities. The campaign taglined Skype Collaboration Project is targeting younger generation of digital consumers, aged 18–34 through a series of fashion-related episodes that provide an insight into top fashion designers’ lives.

Just in time for National Sleep Awareness Month, the wearable tech brand Jawbone has introduced an application that clearly shows the correlation between the caffeine intake and the quality of the future sleep. The Up Coffee application allows anyone to discover “if afternoon pick-me-ups keep you awake at night, by how much, and what you can do to sleep more soundly.”

The struggle for women’s independence is experiencing a spike in the past five years. Gender roles are being modified, with a greater shift being made towards dominance of women. Men are adopting new behaviors, shifting towards more sensitive, family-oriented lifestyles, trading in ambitious career goals for a home comfort, while women do the reverse. The voice of a woman is heard now, defending and demanding, destroying the old gender stereotypes, making businesses delete all kinds of sexist implicating from their products. Below, there’s a recap of the brightest and most engaging feminism-themed initiatives that have emerged throughout the past months.