Volkswagen has added a new portion of blue shade to its “Think Blue.” approach with the launch of the new international campaign “Think Blue.Book.”. The new promotion, which starts with an eco up! commercial, traditionally celebrates the sustainable technologies used in Volkswagen’s new fuel-efficient, low-emission models. A few other videos are set to follow in the coming months.
The spot by BlackBoard Berlin showcases the advantages of the new natural gas eco up! model, which is the most efficient natural gas car in Germany. In the video, a silver car is riding along the streets of a white “pop-up” paper town that lives in a notebook. As the vehicle proceeds, a viewer can see various signs informing on the efficient side of driving the car. For instance, they say that the car emits just 79g CO2/km and uses up to 2.9kg natural gas/100km, and this all for only 3,05€ on 100km. Additional data is also shown in the bottom of the window. The original TV spot debuted in Germany on March 25 and is expected to be will adapted for other international markets.
The spot, which uses the stop-motion technique in the intro and the closing scene, aesthetically builds on the previous commercial in the line, “Think Blue.Symphony”, released back in 2011. Both of the spots use the same song Beach Boys’ “Wouldn’t it be nice” as a soundtrack—a man sings it in the first commercial, while the latest spot features a female voice, singing the song to a whistle tune.
“We are proud of our new ‘Think Blue.’ campaign, because it presents in a playful way our conviction that it is easy and can even be fun to preserve the environment and live sustainably. ‘Think Blue.Book.’ is another milestone in our efforts to heighten public awareness for sustainability and to show how we are shouldering our responsibilities as an automaker,” commented Jürgen Stackmann, Head of Marketing of the Volkswagen Group and the Volkswagen Passenger Cars brand.
The ongoing “Think Blue.” campaign, started back in 2011, now includes an array of activations and marketing promotions, ranging from a fuel saving game to collaboration with MoMa. Visit the dedicated online destination to flip through the brand’s previous “Think Blue.” projects.