YouTube Unveils Best Examples of Creative Marketing on Its «Show & Tell» Channel

All the roads lead to Rome—or to YouTube, when we talk about the area of commercials. Most of the spots, created to promote big and small brands, eventually appear on YouTube and are steamed either through corporate or individual channels. To make it easier for ad developers or industry fans to browse the related content on the world’s most popular video hub, YouTube launched the official “Show & Tell” channel, which comes as the “home of the best creative marketing examples.”

The online destination is created as a gallery of best ad videos with credits and briefs and provides visitors with links to the agencies’ hubs as well as with tips from experts. The main page has five sections, “Interactive Video,” “Brand Channels,” “Homepages,” “Viral Hits” and “Creatives’ Corner,” where users can easily find the spots by specifying which kind of a campaign they would like to watch and from what area it should be.

The idea behind the project is unveiled in a kind of a tutorial video titled “The Story Of YouTube Car: Introduction.” The ‘encyclopedia’ page was launched last year and started its active work in April, but it still features not so many spots, but it’s a matter of time as the developers of the hub have really huge plans about it.

Doug Jaeger, President of Art Directors Club, which helped YouTube with developing the project, said that “each quarter, ADC will curate a lively and interesting new body of work in four categories” and they “will promote the entry process, assemble creative experts to review campaigns that have run on YouTube, and elevate the best work to the forefront”. Every three months, the changing panel of world-renowned reviewers (including creative directors, designers, art directors, digital creatives and copywriters) will provide a fresh look at the approaches and solutions brought in by the developers of recently added commercials and related content.