Cadbury Re-Starts Online Creme Egg Season

The winter holidays are over and it is time to get prepared for the spring ones. Cadbury is reviving the «Creme Egg season» digital campaign, which was elaborated by the CMW and PHD agencies and will last up to April 4, 2010.


The promotional campaign, dedicated to the festive chocolate variation, engages a number of social network sites and a renewed website. There is an online large-scale game taglined “Your country needs goo”, which encourages users search for eggs with a “bump” on their “head” in online media banners, MSN pages, Facebook, the Creme Egg site etc. Each Creme Egg found is associated with a code that will then determine whether the person has won a range of prizes or lost. The participant with the highest score will win the grand prize, a trip to New York.

The visitors of the site are offered a collection of previously created brand-new Creme Egg commercials and a mobile application, which will be soon available to download.