Gatorade Evolves From Sports Drink to Sports Performance Innovation Company

Building on the momentum from its brand refresh with the G campaign last year, The Gatorade Company, a division of PepsiCo, is expanding on its hydration expertise and staking out new ground by delivering a broader product line to help address the sports performance needs of more athletes.


Scientists from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute worked with some of the world’s greatest athletes to create the G Series, a new line of sports performance products that provide the fluid, fuel, and nutrients athletes need before, during, and after a workout, practice or competition. The G Series debuted on the sidelines of Super Bowl XLIV along with redesigned coolers, and the full series of beverages will be available to consumers later this spring.


«Every successful brand evolution delivers a one-two punch of image and innovation, and the G Series is a major step on our journey from a sports drink to a sports performance innovation company,» said Sarah Robb O’Hagan, chief marketing officer for Gatorade.

In developing the G Series, Gatorade scientists collaborated with a diverse roster of the world’s top athletes, including Usain Bolt, Serena Williams, Peyton Manning, Misty May-Treanor, Dwyane Wade, Derek Jeter, Ellery Hollingsworth, and Landon Donovan. Additionally, Gatorade solicited feedback from more than 10,000 athletes and a wide array of sports health professionals.

Each product of the G Series is designed to meet the distinct performance needs around workout or competition usage – pre (01), during (02), and post (03).

The G Series products will rollout at retail gradually, with G2 appearing on shelf in its reframed Perform 02 label beginning immediately. In March, consumers will start to see Gatorade Thirst Quencher with its G Series label Gatorade Perform 02. Then in April, Gatorade Prime 01 and Gatorade Recover 03 will become available at grocery, drug, convenience, mass, and club stores.

The new spot, created in collaboration with NFL Films and director Henry Alex Rubin and later voiced over by Common, provides a consumer with a rare peak into each of the 3 stages of the game.