Nestlé Connecting with Small Businesses in Europe

Nestlé announced it connects with around 2,000 small businesses in Europe this year as part of its ‘Taste of Home’ campaign.

The campaign offers Nestlé brands such as Maggi, Nido, Nestlé, Milo, Carnation and Nescafé imported from Nestlé markets worldwide and sold in ethnic convenience stores across Europe.

The Retailer Development Program, which is a part of Nestrade marketing initiative, kicked off this summer for small business owners to encourage entrepreneurs and their greater integration in local communities.

In this way, ethnic mom and pop stores in Austria and Belgium, as well as in Italy and Switzerland, the small business owners benefit from selling Nestlé-branded ethnic food products. Now they also have the opportunity to grow their businesses while becoming more professional.

Alexander Klein, Manager for Ethnic Food at Nestrade, explained the concept: “Under Nestrade, we are offering the small business entrepreneurs the prospect to build up their business, assisting them to integrate in their local communities, and helping them to become successful.”

“As part of the Programme, there is the ethnic ClubCard option which works like a loyalty scheme.  The small business owners can voluntarily apply for membership as long as they meet certain criteria such as compliance and store hygiene.  Once we have judged and accepted their application, we give them exclusive membership whereby they have advantages of exclusive promotions and discounts,” Mr. Klein added.

The Taste of Home campaign provides participating business owners with posters to use in their shops as well.

The Taste of Home campaign was launched again this August throughout the Islamic fasting period Ramadan offering the Muslims halal-certified brands such as Maggi, Nido, Carnation and Milo. Since the 1980s, Nestlé has been offering halal versions of well-known products including confectionery such as Kit Kat and Smarties, Maggi soups, Nido and Neslac milk, Milo malted drinks and Nescafé coffee.

The Taste of Home campaign and ClubCard Program will also be launched in the Scandinavian region in 2013.

Recently, the company launched a free 123 Recycle app in Singapore, which shows the ways of the best recycling possibilities for different types of products.