Nestlé Helps Young Career Builders Survive in Big Cities

Nestlé is promoting itself as one of the most ‘student-friendly’ brands in Brazil. The food and drink manufacturer teamed up with the JWT agency to target the college and young employees audience with a new campaign, in which it is assuring that Nestlé brands can deal at least with one problem in the beginning of ‘adult’ live—the problem of proper nutrition.

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On August 17, Nestlé Brazil has released its web miniseries “Tô Frito” (“I’m Fed Up”), which were produced by the Film Planet studio and directed by Flávia Moraes. The story is revolving around 21-old illustrator Victor, who came to São Paulo to give his career a boost. The first difficulty he’s encountering is that he even doesn’t know how to fry an egg, because when he was at home, he used to come to kitchen just to eat, not to cook. So, it’s his new bachelor kitchen where the real adventure starts. The only thing that saves the guy from starvation is the Nestlé products, which pop out here and there during the episodes.

The videos will feature other characters, like student Clara, as well, so it will be more like a real TV-show, than a diary of a young single man without any cooking talents. The actors starring in the show are all amateurs from different parts of Brazil. It took the creative team five months to shoot the series with the production and casting period lasting for nine months.

The first 30-minute episode about a guy, who came to the megalopolis from a small town, will debut on MTV on August 29, with every new 15-minute chapter to be airing each week.