Vitaminwater Celebrates Amateur Athletes in France

The days when the world’s attention was drawn to the Olympic Games, Vitaminwater France celebrated the professional athletes in ordinary people doing sports on tracks and pitches, in pools and at stadiums. The beverage brand has launched an offline humorous promotion by Sid Lee, raising amateur athletes to the new heights and making them believe that they are real winners and personal records beaters.

The promotion rolled out at sport locations in France— a genuine sports commentator, who was hiding behind bushes and various objects with a microphone, was watching them and giving loud comments on how they performed. As a nod to the Olympic Games in London, he spoke with a distinct English accent. Some faces in the video are blurred (obviously, those people didn’t want to be recognized by their families and friends), but most of amateur sport heroes agreed to show their faces, usually greatly surprised.

The commentator encourages athletes by various such as “Oh, he’s got dynamite in his sneakers” or “She runs as though she was pursued by really ugly but very fast man” to name but a few. After the sport performance, each athlete was approached by a Vitaminwater boy and got a bottle of the colourful drink as a trophy—not a gold medal, but still a very nice award.